Curriculum Vitae

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Charlotte Tindall is an international fisheries consultant with over 20 years’ experience in addressing the economic and social issues associated with fisheries.

Geographical experience: UK; EU; Africa: Uganda, Mali, Benin, Senegal and Tanzania; The Indian Ocean: Mauritius & Rodrigues; The Middle East: Jordan; and the Caribbean: St Lucia, Jamaica, & St Kitts & Nevis.   

Charlotte has worked with ERM and MRAG Ltd and is currently an independent consultant:


Institution:University of London, Imperial College,St Andrews University
Degree:MSc Environmental Technology Awarded funding by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)BSc (Hons) Marine and Environmental Biology (2:1)

Language skills (5 is the highest):

EnglishMother Tongue555
FrenchAdvanced Intermediate443


Specific professional experience

Independent Consultant: September 2009 – to date

GlobalMarch – July 2024ETP Bycatch Reduction in UK Seafood Supply Chains This project is matching innovative bycatch mitigation measures against risks in fisheries that supply UK seafood consumption. It will involve compilation of mitigation measures against ETP bycatch risks and undertake a series of deep-dive case studies to understand the innovations available, the costs, barriers to uptake and potential ways forward.
UK2023-2024Research into the data that is used for the reduction of plastic pollution of our ocean, from foreshores in England and Wales, A Future Without Plastic Working with ‘A Future Without Rubbish’ Charlotte supported a project for The Crown Estate assessing data sources of coastal plastics to inform a strategic approach to plastic waste management along the foreshore.
Global2022-23MSC Peer Reviews of the following fisheries: FBSA Canada Full Bay sea scallop Venetian Wild Harvested Striped Clam Thames clam and cockle fishery Muslingeriet Rope Grown Mussel fishery, Netherlands Baie de St Brieuc Scallop dredge fishery, France
GlobalJan – Mar 2023Worker voice and grievances: building consensus on requirements for certified fisheries with Key Traceability Ltd. Reviewing and editing the final report and advising on structure and themes as the output of this project which has involved a range of workshops across different regions.
Pacific Ocean2022-23Fisheries Improvement Projects 3-Year Reviews of Tuna Fisheries. Reviewing fishery against MSC standard, progress of action plan and development of recommendations for the following fisheries: Thai Union Pacific purse seine fishery Indian Ocean Longline tuna and pelagic fishery, Afritex Pacific Longline Fishery Bumble Bee/FCF  
GlobalAug 2022Published paper on mechanisms to mitigate forced and child labour risks in MSC fisheries   Tindall, C., Oloruntuyi, O., Lees, S., Longo, S.C., Schley, D., Currey, R.J.C (2022) Marine Policy, v.143, 105140 Illuminating the mechanisms to mitigate forced and child labour risks within Marine Stewardship Council certified fisheries.(
MaldivesDec 2021 to Jan 2022Seafood Market opportunities for the Maldives, Waitt Institute with Key Traceability Ltd. Charlotte designed and compiled importing country profiles for this project with the overall objective of identifying market opportunities for Maldives tuna and other seafood resources.
Indian OceanOct-Dec 20213 Year review of the Indian Ocean (Thai Union) Tuna Longline Fisheries Improvement Programme (FIP) for Responsible for undertaking the review of three tuna stocks against the MSC Standard and review of progress against the FIP timeline.
Faroes IslandsSept 2021MSC Peer Reviews of the Faroe Islands Queen Scallop Fishery Peer review of the fishery as part of the MSC assessment process.
AustraliaMay 2021MSC Peer Review of the Bass Straight Scallop Fishery Peer review of the fishery as part of the MSC assessment process.
Pacific OceanJan – Apr 20213 Year review of the Pacific Ocean (Thai Union) Tuna Fisheries Improvement Programme (FIP) for Responsible for undertaking the review of the fisheries against the MSC Standard and review of progress against the FIP timeline. This involved assessment of 6 tuna stocks managed between two RFMOs.
GlobalMay – Dec 2020Review of the Sustainable Seafood Coalition (SSC) Code of Conduct for responsible sourcing and labelling of seafood. The project involves interviews, questionnaires and product sampling to assess adherence and effectiveness of the SSC Code of Conduct for responsible sourcing and labelling of seafood. Strategic support to the project through review of the questionnaire, analysis and final report. Working with Key Traceability.
GlobalDec 2019 – Oct 2021Analysis and report on the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) approaches to forced and child labour policies, practices and measures (Marine Stewardship Council) Developed and analysed a database of responses from MSC Certificate Holders on their approaches to avoiding child and forced labour. The analysis assesses tools that are used to mitigate risks; highlights best-practice and assesses how the approaches vary per country, species or scale. The report also provides recommendations on next steps and future reporting.
EuropeMarch 2018 – Dec 2019Developing a socially sustainable CFP: Worker’s organisations involvement in fisheries and seafood sectors (EFT/EFFAT) Involved in the team (with Melanie Siggs & Iain Pollard) assessed the impacts and implications of the CFP on workers within the fisheries and seafood sectors. The project set up a series of workshops with workers’ groups to determine how the CFP can be reformed to support social sustainability into the future.
UKJan – June 2019Communication strategy and workshop report for Hauling Up Solutions: reducing cetacean fisheries bycatch Developed a communication strategy and final report for a stakeholder workshop outlining the issues of cetacean bycatch within the UK and key recommendations for Defra and Cefas.
Indian Ocean RegionSeptember 2018 – March 2019Author for summary of white paper on Ocean Sustainability in the Indian Ocean Rim (Economist Intelligence Unit) Brought together the thematic chapters of the white paper into the concluding chapter drawing out the cross-cutting strategies to transition to a blue economy within the Indian Ocean region; covering key lessons on governance, finance and innovation. Collaborated with Mindfully Wired who undertook the interviews with quotes and reflections woven into the summary.
InternationalJune – Nov 2018Learnings and best practice of the Fair Trade seafood program: Impact assessment; 2014-2018 (Fair Trade USA), Analysis of socioeconomic and environmental impacts of registered fishing communities over the course of the Fair Trade Seafood Program and Capture Fisheries Standard. The impact assessment reviewed fishery surveys, audits and conducting interviews with representatives throughout the supply chain. Worked together with Melanie Siggs and Iain Pollard.
EuropeSeptember 2017 – March 2018Assessment of the proposal for a multi–annual plan (under the CFP) for small pelagics in the Adriatic Sea (EDF) Evaluated the progress of the EU proposal for a multi-annual plan for small pelagics in the Adriatic; undertook a stakeholder analysis;  and identified opportunities for EDF to assist in its application. 
EuropeSept – Nov 2017EU Market Scoping for Fair Trade Certified Seafood Scoping project to determine the extent of a market in Europe for US Fair Trade certified seafood. Expensive analysis of trade flows’ stakeholder consultations (mainly with seafood buyers and retailers); and individual country market profiles.
UKApril – June 2017Feasibility of an Aquaculture and Fisheries Research and Development Centre at Brixham Laboratory Supported Sustainable Leadership Ltd to develop a summary report communicating the key messages from a feasibility project to set up a Blue Research Hub in Brixham UK.
InternationalSept 2016 – May 2017Communicating key messages of a new policy approach towards fisheries services (World Bank). Working with Steve Cunningham (IDDRA) to promote an approach to improve the fisheries sector contribution to economic growth by considering activities and services along the entire value chain and where there is comparative advantage to trade or out-source services (e.g. harvesting, processing, port services). 
UKAug 2015 – May 2016Scallop management case studies: lessons from management involving secure tenure, Environmental Defence Fund (EDF) Institutional analysis of four case studies of king scallop management, elaborating on the benefits of secure tenure and transferable lessons for management within the English Channel.
UKMay 2015 – December 2016MSC Reassessment of the Cornish Sardine Fishery, MacAlister Elliot (MEC) Principle 2 expert on the assessment team for the reassessment of the fishery against the MSC principles of sustainable fisheries management.
UK/FranceJan-May 2015Baseline economic assessment of the English Channel scallop fishery, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Economic assessment of the English Channel scallop fishery against economic principles (EDF’s SEASALT criteria) and environmental criteria (MSC principles). The study led to a qualitative analysis of costs and benefits of different management options
UKJune – October 2014Market assessment and regulatory review for UK caught scallops, Sustainable Inshore Fisheries Trust (SIFT) A supply chain and regulatory analysis of UK-caught scallops to identify lessons to improve sustainability.
WorldwideMay – June 2014Review of seafood companies that have signed up to both environmental and social standards, Private Client Mapped out the social standards that seafood companies that are pro-actively adhering to in addition to established environmental standards e.g. MSC.
EuropeSept 2013 – March 2014Development of a monitoring framework for marine elements of the EU Biodiversity Strategy, MRAG Ltd In consultation with the EU commission, identification of indicators and a monitoring framework for marine elements of the EU Biodiversity Strategy.
UK2013, 2014 & 2015MSC Surveillance audits of the Exmouth Mussel Fishery, MacAlister Elliott Principle 2 (ecological interactions) for the annual MSC surveillance audits of this fishery (2013-2015).
UK2011, 2012, 2013 & 2014MSC  Surveillance Audit of the Cornish Sardine Fishery, MacAlister Elliott Principle 2 (ecological interactions) for the annual MSC surveillance audits of this fishery.
UKNov 2012 – Feb 2013Understanding the Market and Supply Chain for Fish Caught and Landed in Northern Devon, ABP Mer Assessed the main leakages in value-added, and opportunities to retain more value within Northern Devon. A value-chain analysis was undertaken and recommendations developed for increasing local economic benefits from the fishery.   
EuropeMarch – Nov 2012Designing assessment formats for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, MRAG Ltd. Developed formats for summary assessments of the EU’s progress in implementing the Marine Strategy Framework Directive; including reporting on the economic and social analysis of activities within the EU’s marine waters.
UKFebruary – July 2012MSC Assessment of the Exmouth Mussel Fishery, MacAlister Elliot Principle 2 expert for the MSC assessment of the Exmouth Mussel Fishery in Devon, UK. This involved site visits stakeholder consultations and rating the fishery against the MSC principles and criteria.
GlobalSept 2011 – February 2012Transitioning to Sustainability, 50 Fishery Case Studies The Prince’s Charities’ International Sustainability Unit 50 interviews with representatives from the fishing sector making changes for sustainability. Analysis of the economic, environmental and social benefits of making the transition.
GlobalAugust – November 2011Networks and Net Benefits: MSC & Developing Countries Case studies of developing countries that have engaged with the MSC programme and identified benefits e.g. networks, capacity building, improved management, new markets and opportunities.
EuropeApril  – November 2011Marine data reporting for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, MRAG Ltd for DG Environment Developed Reporting Sheets for a range of marine pressures and impacts identified under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive, as well as reporting of socio-economic issues.
EuropeFeb – April 2011Assessment of best practice in Maritime Spatial Planning within the EU, MRAG Ltd for SEANERGY 2020 Comparative analysis of approaches to Maritime Spatial Planning across EU member states. Recommendations on improvements to MSP in relation to 1) policy and legal framework; 2) data and information management; 3) permitting and licensing; 4) consultation 5) sector conflict management; 6) cross-border cooperation; 7) implementation of MSP.
InternationalSept – Oct 2010Rapid Fisheries Assessments, MRAG Americas for WWF Undertook rapid assessments for selected fisheries and screened them against the three principles of the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) standard.
InternationalJune  – December 2010Assessing sustainability and IUU risks within fish sourcing, Private Client Assessment of the current supply structure and potential areas of risk for IUU and sustainability, leading to the development of a responsible fish sourcing policy.  
InternationalMarch – June 2010Opportunities within the CFP reform to support good global fisheries governance, DEFRA Identify how the CFP external dimension can influence good global fisheries governance through fish access agreements; RFMO engagement and links with trade policy.
Benin, CameroonOct 2009 – to date  Editing and designing graphics for reports in English & French, FAO HIV/AIDS & Fisheries West Africa Programme Editing and designing graphics for a range of documents for the FAO HIV/AIDS and Fisheries West Africa Programme. The documents included: Support to income generating activities within vulnerable households : experience within four fishing communities in Benin Cartographical study of the impacts of migration and mobility on the susceptibility and vulnerability of fishing communities to HIV/AIDS along the Lagos-Abidjan transport corridor. Knowledge, Attitude & Practice (KAP) Study and Assessment of the dynamics of HIV/AIDS in marine small-scale fishing communities in Cameroon.

MRAG Ltd, Oct 2003–Sept 2009

CountryDateBrief description of Project and Position
InternationalJuly 2009 – March 2010 Coordination of a UK working group on new approaches to sustainable development certification, DFID Facilitated discussions on a sustainable development approach to certification through: networking with organisations working in this area; integrating the views of industry; and developing further topics for research.
InternationalJuly 2009Review of Fisheries Sustainability Information, Fish Sustainability Information Group – MRAG Ltd for Seafish Review the various organisations that analyse, assess and supply data, provide guidance, dissemination and otherwise communicate on the sustainability of fisheries to retailers, foodservice sectors and consumers. Charlotte reviewed and interviewed Naturland and GlobalGAP which were two of the selected schemes under review.
InternationalJan – March 2009Fisheries certification and the supply chain, Commonwealth Institute Contributed a chapter to a book to be published by the Commonwealth Institute on Sustainable Fisheries Management. The chapter covers supply chain issues for developing countries, giving an overview of international fish trade from developing countries, new demands from the market for environmentally sustainable and legal products, and the ability for developing countries to reach these standards.
International Jan – Oct 2008Feasibility study of the application of the Fairtrade mark to fisheries products, Fairtrade Foundation Assessed the feasibility of the Fairtrade Labelling Organisations (FLO) to engage with fisheries products. This involved reviewing the potential market for Fairtrade; suitable products; geographical scope and implications for the brand.
EuropeMay 2008 – January 2009 Economic costs of risk reduction and adaptation policies in present and future plans for coastal areas, European Commission/DG Mare Reviewed the vulnerability of coastal areas of the UK with the predicted impacts of climate change; provided estimated economic costs of risk reduction and adaptation plans.
EuropeNovember 2007 – July 2008  Review of legal constraints to Marine Spatial Planning, European Commission/DG Mare Assessed the legal and institutional barriers in achieving effective Marine Spatial Planning with the UK.  
EuropeJanuary 2008 – Sept 2010Biodiversity Knowledgebase, European Commission/DG Environment Supported development of a biodiversity database for monitoring the progress of the EU’s Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP). Responsible for identifying biodiversity indicators and compiling data for marine related objectives of the BAP.
EuropeNov 07 – March 08An impact assessment framework for assessing impacts of EU discard policy, European Commission/DG Mare Developed an impact assessment framework for assessing different policy options for reducing discards within EU fishing activities. Charlotte developed the tools and approaches for assessing the social impacts.
BangladeshJuly 08 – July 2010Integrated Floodplain Management in Bangladesh, DFID Provision of a communication plan for the project to, improve stakeholder engagement and promote long-term use of integrated approaches to floodplain management.
EuropeMay – August 08Review of private sector ethical fish procurement policies, Private Client Reviewed ethical procurement policies of leading retailers in UK, Germany and the US for seafood.  
UKJan – July 08Best-practice use of voluntary market standards in developing country fisheries, DFID/GTZ Identified opportunities for integrating social and economic issues into fish procurement policies and voluntary market standards.
Asia, Latin America, Africa  (UK-based research)Nov 07 – Jan 08Review of constraints for small-scale producers in developing countries to reach voluntary and mandatory aquaculture standards, FAO Completed an impact assessment of the introduction of voluntary aquaculture schemes on small-scale producers. Case studies were selected in Asia, Latin America and Africa.  
SenegalJan 08 – Dec 09Value chain impacts of eco- and ethical fish labelling on small-scale producers in Senegal, ODI/IDRC Identification of the potential social and economic implications of introducing certification within the octopus fishery of Senegal.
EnglandNovember 2007 – March 2008Scoping the potential benefits of undertaking an MA for England, DEFRA Assessed the potential benefits of undertaking a ‘Millennium Ecosystem Assessment’ (MA) for England and the policy and evidence needs to report on the marine and coastal environment.
BeninAug – Sept 2007Guidelines for mainstreaming gender into fisheries policy, FAO Provided input into the guidelines based on a gender analysis and mainstreaming study in Mali; and developed graphics and communication tools for the guidelines.
UKJan 2007 – June 2007Building consensus on definitions of ecological structure and function for use in marine monitoring, JNCC Authored a discussion document and a workshop to reach consensus on practical definitions for marine ecosystem structure and function amongst UK stakeholders.
Europe2006 – OngoingEditing and media-related work for the European Environment Agency, EEA Edited a range of reports including the 4th State of the European Environment Report; EEA report on ‘Environmental impacts of European consumption and production patterns; European Forests and ecosystem sustainable use; and Marine Ecosystems ‘Ten Messages for 2010’. Text was edited for grammar, language, semantics and consistency; and key messages improved to make them relevant and convincing for policy makers.
EuropeMarch 2007Facilitating a coordinated consultation response to the European Community Strategy against IUU fishing, DFID/GTZ Supported a stakeholder meeting to provide a coordinated response to the EC IUU strategy; and provided the EC with structured stakeholder feedback. 
Global (focusing on Africa)Aug 2006 – March 2007Comparison of EU Fisheries Agreements and Fisheries Partnership Agreements, DFID/DEFRA Examined the social, economic and environmental impacts of EU bilateral fisheries access agreements with ACP states executed under the Common Fisheries Policy, and evaluated the changes and improvements of the introduction of Fisheries Partnership Agreements (FPAs).
GlobalApril – June 2006Research into Use, DFID Consultations with stakeholders to assess the uptake and poverty-impact of DFID-funded research into the impacts of climate change on fisheries in developing countries.
MaliJan –March 2006Review of Gender Relations within small-scale fisheries on Lake Sélingué, Mali, FAO/DFID Led research into the gender relations on Lake Sélingué as part of the DFID-FAO Sustainable Fisheries Livelihood Programme (SFLP) fisheries co-management project. Assessed how approaches to fisheries management can be more effective by taking gender-relations into account.
SenegalNovember 2005Lessons learned through the Sustainable Fisheries Livelihood Programme, FAO Authored a synthesis of lessons-learned from the SFLP programme; working from and editing reports produced by each participating country.
Uganda2005Phase II: Uganda  Development of an Implementation plan to achieve the HIV/AIDS and Fisheries Strategy – Uganda, DFID Developed an advocacy plan to guide lobbying efforts and achieve stakeholder buy-in, support and financial resources from sector ministries and social development organisations to reduce the impact of HIV/AIDS on fishing communities.
Jamaica, St Kitts (and wider Caribbean)2005Development and Training for a Tool Kit to guide development of National Plans of Action for agro-chemical management in the Caribbean, DFID Co-authored a tool kit for promoting a Caribbean Strategy for improved agrochemical management. Delivered a one-week training course in Jamaica for representatives from 15 Caribbean countries.
Uganda, Tanzania and Kenya2005 – 2009Implementation of a Fisheries Management Plan for Lake Victoria, European Union Responsible for technical back-stopping; organising workshops and conferences for the project; editing scientific reports and developing presentations and summary documents for different audiences.
Global   (UK based research)2005Synthesis of lessons for co-management: review of Fisheries Management Science Programme projects, DFID Development of the communications plan and a summary publication highlighting lessons-learned from DFID funded fisheries co-management projects.
Global   (UK based research)2005Evaluation and uptake promotion of data collection guidelines for co-managed fisheries, DFID Developed a synthesis document targeted at policy makers on improving data collection for co-managed fisheries.
Global   (UK based research)2005The impact of climate change on fisheries dependent livelihoods, DFID Organised two international conferences, one held at DFID and one in conjunction with Wetlands International. Authored a press-release and web-site highlights for the DFID web-page.
Zanzibar, Tanzania2004 – 2005Participatory Fisheries Stock Assessment (ParFish), DFID  Developed a strategy for promoting the use of Participatory Fisheries Stock Assessment within data-poor fisheries. Translated complex concepts into simple messages and contributed to a tool kit to assist developing country use of the methodology.  
Uganda2004 – 2005The impacts of HIV/AIDS on fishing communities, DFID Researched factors that make fishing communities both sensitive and vulnerable to the impacts of HIV/AIDS in Uganda. Organised workshop to review means to mitigate and prevent impacts.
Uganda1999 – 2004Integrated Lake Management, DFID Supported project management; monitoring and evaluation; and a dissemination strategy for key outputs and lessons learned including improved institutional arrangements and representative community groups for management of lake resources.
St Lucia, Jamaica (and wider Caribbean)2004 – 2005Uptake promotion of a strategy to ameliorate Agro-Chemical Pollution in the Caribbean, DFID Promoted the strategy for improved management of agro-chemical pollution in the Caribbean. 
Saudi Arabia   (UK based research)2003 – 2004Feasibility study for a commercial lobster fishery in Saudi Arabian waters, Private Client Undertook an economic feasibility study for a lobster fishery in Saudi Arabia.

ERM Ltd: Sept 2001 – Oct 2003

CountryDateBrief description of Project and Position
International   (UK based research)2003Coherence of policy and financing within the Water Sector, Tear Fund Undertook an in-depth literature review and questionnaire with key donors on the extent to which donor policies are being implemented (internal coherence), and the extent to which these match with international agreed goals e.g. MDGs.
Scotland2002Scottish airports access Study – Environmental impact appraisal, Scottish Executive Collated environmental baseline reports for this appraisal and consulted target groups in a wide range of sectors including environment, cultural heritage, urban development and water resources management.
Angola   (UK based research)2002Biodiversity Action Plan for BP’s activities along the Angolan Coast, BP Drafted the BAP (Biodiversity Action Plan) for BP to promote the protection and management of biodiversity along the Angolan coast and offshore waters.
Indonesia   (UK based research)2002Natural resource valuation: Forest Inventory and Monitoring Project (FIMP), European Union Supported assessment of the forest goods and services, within a national park in the Sumba province.  A natural resource valuation model was created in order to test the outcomes of a range of different land-use scenarios. 
Kazakhstan   (UK based research)2002Social Assessment for the Nura River environmental management and rehabilitation project, World Bank and EC Tacis Used data generated by local consultants to undertake an economic and qualitative analysis of household surveys assessing attitudes to the river and to paying for improved water services.
Albania   (UK based research)2002. Provision of services on the assessment of exploration activities in the Narta Lagoon, UNDP Albania Provided an overview of susceptible aquatic species within the proposed drilling/exploration area in Vlora/Narta Lagoon area. 
Jordan2002Assessment of marine and terrestrial environmental damage for claims to the UNCC, Government of Jordan/ UNCC Undertook an economic valuation of damages in Jordan to marine and terrestrial resources resulting from the first gulf war. Used Habitats Equivalency Analysis (HEA) methodology to calculate the cost of lost services and ecological restoration. 
Cote d’Ivoire, Senegal,   (UK based research)2001Emerging lessons in pro-poor provision of water services, World Bank Assisted with a review of water services in Senegal and Cote d’Ivoire to understand the incentives and barriers to pro-poor provision of water services by private companies.
International   (UK based research)2001Cost recovery for water and sanitation projects, DFID Reviewed cost recovery mechanisms across a wide range of water supply and sanitation projects (WSSPs) and provided recommendations for achieving financial sustainability and maximizing private sector involvement.
Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam (UK based research)2001 – 2002Development of an EIA and SEA system for the countries of the Lower Mekong Basin, Mekong River Commission Reviewed country and donor EIA guidelines for developments within the Lower Mekong Basin.
International   (UK based research)2001 – 2003Predicting the impact global climate change on the sustainable achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, DFID Co-authored key sheets published by DFID on the impacts of climate change on the achievement of the millennium development goals.
Rodrigues, Mauritius2001Socio-Economic analysis of proposed Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), RGS Undertook a socio-economic analysis of proposed marine reserves off Rodrigues Island, Mauritius.  This involved collection of baseline information through household surveys and focus groups; analysis of economic costs and benefits through contingent valuation questionnaires; and assessment of  the economic contributions of the artisanal fisheries and tourism in the area.
Rodrigues, Mauritius2000 – 2001Mauritius, Rodrigues and the Seychelles, Marine research, training and education programme in the Indian Ocean. The Royal Geographical Society, RGS Research monitoring of coastal, lagoon and coral reef habitats. Outreach officer supporting communications and education through regular training and awareness-raising groups with fishing communities, government staff, school and youth groups.
Philippines1997Coral reef monitoring, Coral Cay Conservation Trained in coral reef monitoring (covering corals, algae and fish) and carried out two survey dives a day for one month as part of an ongoing conservation programme.
Nepal1994Environmental education & sustainable energy consumption, SPW Contributed to an environmental education programme held within schools in villages throughout Nepal and provided training on fabricating efficient household stoves capable of using less firewood.

Positions held and employers

Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)September 2009 – to date 
LocationDevon, UK
Company / OrganisationCharlotte Tindall Consulting
PositionIndependent Consultant
Job DescriptionConsultancy on sustainable fisheries and development working with public and private sector clients
Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)October 2003 –  September 2009
LocationLondon, UK
Company / OrganisationMarine Resources Assessment Group
PositionAquatic Environment Consultant
Job DescriptionFisheries consultancy covering marine and lake research and management, communications, co-management and socio-economics.
Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)September 2001 – October 2003
LocationLondon, UK
Company / OrganisationEnvironmental Resources Management Ltd
PositionResearcher & Consultant
Job DescriptionConsultancy and research work within the area of natural resources management (coastal, water resources and forestry), poverty reduction and sustainable livelihoods
Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)September 1999 – September 2000
LocationRodrigues Island, Mauritius
Company / OrganisationRoyal Geographical Society
PositionCommunications, Education and Outreach officer
Job DescriptionOutreach officer for marine and coastal research programme. Coordinated education and awareness programme, and outreach activities with fishing communities. Regular training groups with government personnel, schools and youth groups.
Date: from (month/year) to (month/year)June 1999 – September 1999
LocationLondon, UK
Company / OrganisationRoyal Geographical Society
Job DescriptionProject planning for the Shoals of Capricorn Programme, in Mauritius and the Seychelles

Selected publications and co-authorship

(NB Tindall née Howard)

Published papers/documents


Technical reports

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